
How to Get Noticed in a Crowd

December 12, 2019

If you've ever felt like you just blend in with the crowd instead of standing out, it's time to learn how to dazzle. If there's a sure way to get noticed, it's by using your own style. Here are four ways to spotlight your best qualities so you'll never be in someone else's shadow again.

Play Up Your Best Features

Standing apart from everyone else means not looking like the mainstream crowd. Play up features that are yours and yours alone. This could mean finding make-up that accentuates your eye color, or taking your hair color Westchester County NY to an entirely new level. Finding a brand new hair shade that complements you can make you unforgettable.

Let Your Smile Shine Through

You'll always stand out in a group when you let your beautiful smile show. A smile can completely change someone's day.  People are also more inclined to gravitate towards those who are smiling. A person that knows how to own their smile is likely to captivate others around them and is perceived as more approachable.

Flaunt Your Own Style

You shine most brightly when you're being yourself and that includes your style. Everyone is most comfortable in clothing that suits them and that they enjoy wearing, so rock your own look! Accent your outfit with your favorite earrings, a colorful scarf or even a bright lipstick. You'll be distinct in a style that no one else can duplicate.

Be the Kindest One

Being kind to others is a quality that shouldn't have to be suggested, it should come naturally. Unfortunately in today's society, many people avoid one-on-one interactions. Those who can take the time to outwardly relate to others with kindness are a breath of fresh air. Not only will you be noticeable, but admired as well.

Set an Example

Standing out is not just good for your well-being, but it leads to healthy relationships and interactions. It also helps set a positive example for others to follow.

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