
Christmas Giveaway Winners

December 21, 2012

As I announced on Facebook, I extracted the winners on December 18th at 18.00. There were 104 subscriptions. Of course, we had again some adventure, the second winner I extracted was not eligible, cause she didn,t Like the FB pages of Glossy Lala and Laqa&Co. So I had to chose another winner from 103 participants, cause I took out from the list the eligible winner.

Another adventure is that our sponsor Laqa&Co didn,t respond yet to our emails and our FB messages, so I am asking the winners to have a little patience. I will keep you post it.
I decided to publish the name of the winners, cause I saw on their FB pages that they Liked Glossy Lala and Laqa&Co and also they met all the other contest rules. I will send you an email but you will have 48 hours to send me the contact info, otherwise I will extract someone else.

So, CONGRATULATIONS to both winners!!! Buda Dana and Marianna Bennici.

Don`t be sad if you didn`t win, we`ll have many more attractive contests on the blog. I am waiting you to write me, cause I love your comments.

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  1. Johnny-Joanna Syros21 December 2012 at 20:20

    Συγχαρητήρια στις τυχερές!!!
    Σε ευχαριστούμε που μας έδωσες την ευκαιρία να συμμετάσχουμε!!!
    Καλές γιορτές!!!

  2. driving30_with_2gether21 December 2012 at 22:58

    Congrats to the winners!

