
Less is more

July 13, 2012

I decided to write about this topic because I simply get mad lately of what I`m seeing on the street, at TV and everywhere. I can`t stand anymore to see girls who don`t know what else to put on them to be attractive, sexy and to have success. Dear, you have to understand that as you overreact in everything, you`ll be ridiculous.

I had also my past times when I believed that more in fashion, means better, but I was very young and in searching for my own style. Yes I also tried all hair colors and all hairstyles, yes I wore navel t-shirts, yes I wanted also a belly piercing (Thank God I restrained myself), yes I had 6 earrings holes (from which I use only 3 now), yes I wore tons of jewels, yes I put too much make up, yes I had also brown and black lips contour, but I honestly tell you that after you find yourself and your personal style, then you`ll not need those surrogates for you to be accepted and loved, you`ll just accept as you are and you`ll be more feminine than ever and you`ll attract all the success you desire.

I believe that the society now is poor in positive models, of originality, of fashion icons. The kitsch, non value and cheap style is promoted. It`s like girls forgot to be feminine, to wear proudly their age, to understand that a minimalist style is making them more elegant and unique.

A big NOT to navel t-shirts, to huge nails, to very short skirts, to piercings, hair extensions, silicons, extreme make ups, to everything which is overreacting. Start to understand that less is more, be feminine and accept yourself as you naturally are.

Exactly this I understood some years ago, that although I tried to change my hair and eyes color through contact lenses, the way I was dressing and make up, were things which didn`t represent me. So I decided to return to natural way of things, cause someone up there knows why he fixed us like this. So I returned to my natural hair and eyes color, to a good sense make up, to clothes which suit me, a minimalist sporty-elegant style, I renounced to excessive jewelry and huge nails (better have them short and clean). I never thought to have silicons, although the mother nature was not so much gifted with me:) I didn`t want to be a copy cat, to do what every other girl does.

I don`t say to not take care of you, to not spoil yourself like a woman does. It`s good to take care of your body and mind, of what you eat and of your health. But there are limits, this doesn`t mean to keep drastic diets, to not eat anything only to be skinny and to be liked by a guy or because this is what you see around you, but also it doesn`t mean to eat too much and become like a whale cause you have frustrations. The middle way is always the best. The good sense is the most important in everything you do.

No one says also to have only branded clothes, you can wear no name clothes and to suit you very well and make you feel comfortable. But if you want to put accent on your upper part of the body, then be more decent in the down part and viceversa, cause having your boobs and ass exposed in the same time, looks cheap and vulgar.

I noticed also the mania with high heels, even at the beach. High heels are great for evening or for an event or if you are shorter, to wear some platforms, but stilletos in the middle of the day is too much. Plus that they are uncomfortable. You don`t need to torture yourself like this only because it`s fashionable. Yes, I`ve made the same mistake till I traveled to Italy, the fashion home, and I saw that 90% of Italian girls had a casual, comfortable style, they were not torturing themselves to look good, and even like this they were noticed. Believe me, they were wearing only flat sandals or shoes and they were still so feminine and stylish.

So, please, try to be yourself and not a copy of someone else, try to be unique, original, feminine and take care of yourself.
Anyway they say the inner beauty is reflecting in the outside also and it is true. Your interior mood counts more than the exterior. And don`t forget about the attitude.
This post was a little harsh, but I had to say what is bothering me from some time now.

What is your opinion about what,s happening today? What`s your fashion icon?
I love your comments, so I`m waiting you to write me.

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  1. Ai dreptate ,sunt total de acord cu tine!In ziua de azi cu cat exaxerezi in orice cu atat esti mai penibil,insa fetele nu stiu asta, ele copiaza asa zisele"dive" de la tv care ajung acolo nu stiu cum, dar nu pentru ca au vreo calitate, cu cat ai buze si piept mai mare cu atat mai bine..Fetele au uitat sa fie feminine si finute!

  2. Sónia Gomes ST14 July 2012 at 02:12

    Audrey Hepburn, the most beautiful and stylish woman of all times <3

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  3. sunt de acord cu tine!nu e zi sa nu vezi o astfel de fata la tv.imi imaginez pustoaicele ce modele au!oricum presimt ca o asemenea fata nu iti va citi articolul..tot noi care suntem de aceeasi parere citim:))

  4. amazing post! I agree with you! have a nice weekend:)
    xx chris


  5. Thank you
    for visiting my blog! It means the world to me! following you now on GFC and Bloglovin! Have a
    fashionable and beautiful weekend... lets stay connected!




  6. Audrey is the icon of style of all the times ! Nowadays I like Victoria Beckham style , she turned very elegant in her dress collections ..
    XX Luba

  7. she's really stylish (that's the first thing i think about :))

  8. My style icon is every single stylish woman from the Hollywood Golden Era!

    I love your blog and I'm your newest follower :) I would love it if you could follow me back!
    Hitchcockesque blog

  9. Agree with you! I love Audrey!

  10. nice blog! care to follow each other? ;D


  11. Great text my dear! Audrey is my icon. I love her. She was beautiful, talented, fantastic.


  12. Less is more indeed! One eyecatcher in your outfit is enough :) Love Audrey too! <3


  13. Thanks Ingrid!!! Great blog you have!!

  14. Ohh yeah, good you mentioned Victoria Beckham also. I agree with you.

  15. Thanks hun!!!! I followed you back!!

  16. Thanks hun!! Have also a great weekend!!

  17. Sper totusi ca daca nu vor citi articolul, de vor trezi si ele la realitate intr-o zi si vor realiza penibilul situatiei si poate vor schimba ceva:))

  18. Thanks Sonia!! I will subscribe for your GA!!

  19. Exact, asta am vrut sa zic!!!! Sper ca se va schimba ceva!!!

  20. I'd love to follow each other's!
    I'm following u with facebook ;)

  21. Very great and true posting... - you are absolutely right with your opinion... better a bit less than too much...

    --> New giveaways: e.g. win a pair of CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN shoes

    Van - PureGlam.tv

  22. francesca romana capizzi14 July 2012 at 23:41

    I quote you word by word, my thought too. I think that you have to feel well with what you are, that's it.
    Come to visit my blog and if you want let’s follow each other on
    Bloglovin, GFC and Facebook!


    Don't Call
    Me Fashion Blogger



  23. I am signing below each word! Everything you said is so true and to the point. Totally agree!
    My bloglovin like!

    LA By Diana Live Magazine

  24. Calin Andreea Daniela15 July 2012 at 08:28

    Mare dreptate iti dau...

  25. nice post :)

  26. So interesting pist, everything's so true!
    Audrey is also one of my fashion idols


  27. Eu cred ca daca si tu spui ca ai trecut printr-o astfel de perioada, ar trebui sa fi mai indulgenta :D

  28. Pitzi n-am fost ever, dar am avut si eu ale mele, nu zic nu, ca nimeni nu-i perfect. Indulgenta nu pot fi, pt. ca spre deosebire de acum niste ani cand erau in minoritate, acum se gasesc peste tot si evident fetele tinere care numai asta vad de dimineata pana seara vor crede ca asa trebuie sa fie si ele pe viitor ca sa aibe succes. Nu sunt de acord cu ce se intampla acum. Este mult prea mult, totul este exagerat. Asta e parerea mea.

  29. Ce sa zic, la asta iti dau dreptate. Fete de 14 ani ies in cluburi si eu ma plimb in parc :)))

  30. Daca s-ar duce doar in club ar fi bine, dar problema cu modelele pe care le au la tv zilnic si nu numai este ca vor ajunge sa se infometeze, sa manance doar o rosie pe zi ca sa fie frumoase si suple, vor crede ca doar daca cad in penibil sau se culca cu cineva vor ajunge sa apara la tv sau sa ai aibe jobul pe care il doresc, isi vor strange toti banii doar pt. a-si face operatii estetice, nu pt. ca au nevoie, ci doar pt. ca asa e la "moda" si multe altele... Mi se pare ca femeile nu se mai respecta pe ele si atunci nu sunt respectate nici de barbati.

  31. Love Audrey Hepburn!!! most elegant and beautiful lady in hollywood:)



  32. girls could remember Audrey style and her glam, she is attractive just smiling and elegance is the best business card

    Pretty To Be Happy

  33. Thank you for your comment!
    I agree, every girl and woman should know what fits her best and stop overloading herself and trying to change her body completely.

  34. Shakespeare de Batom15 July 2012 at 20:14

    hey sweetie, nice post. we should reflect more about fashion everyday and not just follow every trend... I'm already following you on Google and facebook.


  35. Hey dear thanks for your sweet comment! I'm so glad you like my blog, and of course we can follow each other! I'm following you, so it's your turn now =)
    Let's keep in touch =)

  36. Mi vestido de Lentejuelas15 July 2012 at 21:29

    Hi dear!you are right we have to be ourselves and enjoy everyday!and I agree with less is more
    Thank you for visit my blog and of course we can follow each other,I star,I hope you follow me back

  37. Adorei o blog, muito lindo, amei tudo. Parabéns mesmo, vou sempre estar aqui (:


  38. francesca romana capizzi15 July 2012 at 23:53

    I have followed you back on GFC, Bloglovin and FB. Please could you check FB? I don't see your like but it doesn't matter, only if you have time and want to :-))
    Don't Call
    Me Fashion Blogger



  39. Melle Lunettes16 July 2012 at 00:23

    Thanks for your coment !! I follow you of course ;).
    I hope you follow me back !!!

    ✿ http://melle-lunettes.blogspot.fr/ ✿

  40. Thanks, I followed back!!

  41. Thanks, I followed you back on all those!! Pls check:)

  42. Thanks, I followed back!! xxx

  43. Thanks, I followed you!!

  44. Thanks, follwoed back!! xoxo

  45. I,m glad you agree also!!! xoxo

  46. True!!! There are other fashion icons also, but very few!!

  47. Thanks Diana!! Glad you agree also!!

  48. True!! I followed you back!!:)

  49. Thanks Tatiana, followed back!!

  50. Yes I would love that. Just followed You via gfc and bloglovin. Now is your turn :)


  51. Hello, dear~
    I can't find my name in list but anyway I follow you, dear~

  52. Hello, dear~ I can't find my name in list but anyway I follow you, dear~ ❤Olgahttp://www.myblondegal.com/

  53. Hello, dear~ I can't find my name in list but anyway I follow you, dear~ ❤Olgahttp://www.myblondegal.com/

  54. It's a tough topic! Most of us want to stay young, sometimes people resort to plastic surgery believing it'll solve their problems which it won't!

  55. Elvie Esi (Cosmocalista)16 July 2012 at 10:06

    Thnx for your comment ! Really Nice Post!! I completely agree with you.



  56. Andreea Panciuc16 July 2012 at 11:19

    Great article ! You have touched all the right points honey !
    My fashion icon is Olivia Palermo :) Hugs x

  57. Following you back again with my new account and bloglovin, thank you! xx

  58. Thanks, I followed back!! xoxo

  59. Thanks!! I,m glad you agree and you have a fashion icon!! Pupici xxx

  60. Draga mea, ai perfecta dreptate!
    Articolul nu este dur...ci reflecta crudul adevar!
    Trebuie sa-ti dau dreptate ca majoritatea fetelor
    exagereaza si apar pe strada ca niste "paparude".
    Cum ai spus si tu, e bine sa te ingrijesti, sa te aranjezi,
    dar sa nu exagerezi pentru ca exista riscul sa cazi in ridicol.
    Mi-a placut mult acest post! Astept cu nerabdare urmatorul!

  61. fashion doctor18 July 2012 at 08:55

    foarte bine scris articolul,bine punctat,bravo!si ce ma deranjeaza din ce vad -multe mamici tinere neigrijite ,zici ca nu le pasa deloc.
    mersi mult pentru comentariu,puppppp

  62. Multumesc mult Claudia!!! Ma bucur ca ti-a placut, l-am scris la nervi ca sa zic asa:))

  63. Mersi mult!!!:)) Sincer am crezut ca va "supara" acest articol, dar chiar nu mai puteam tine in mine:))) Dar vad ca a primit feedback-uri pozitive, ceea ce ma bucura. O sa ma gandesc sa scriu si despre alte subiecte la fel de controversate. Pupici xxx

  64. I agree that less is more, I love those unique and personal touches that make a statement and a style different from all the others; I also don't understand the rush to grow-up and look 5 years older, when it's so easy and fun to embrace and enjoy every stage of life ...

    But then again, each with its own mind :)

    Followed you on Bloglovin' ;)

    Hugs ♥


  65. Great post. Girls today need more classy role models. Will be following you! Follow back!

  66. Great blog! Following you now!



    Southern (California) Belle

  67. True!!! I followed you back!

  68. Thanks hun, followed back!!! xoxo
