
Fish Spa

May 08, 2012

Photo source HERE

Fish Spa is another kind of spa, a natural and unconventional method of making your pedicure or manicure. It is very popular in Greece, Turkey and Japan.

This is how a fish spa looks:

Photo source HERE

It is both therapy and cosmetic method of removing the dead skin through pinching of Gara Rufa fishes.

These fishes are touching only the dead skin, never the healthy skin, so it doesn,t represent any danger, mostly that they don,t have teeth. After the therapy, your skin will be left very soft.
They look a little dangerous, but they are harmless. It says they can cure eczema and psoriasis. They can be used for cleaning the teeth also.

In some countries it is a controversy procedure, in the USA it was forbidden due to unhygienic aquariums. I believe there are no risks if the aquariums are sterilized and water changed after every use.

Would you try this funny and pleasant way of making your mani/pedi?

Photo source HERE

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  2. imi place fish spa

  3. It's nice and funny. Μιλάς ελληνικά?

  4. Nai milaw:)) Sthn Athina menw... Esy eisai Ellinida;

  5. Prin aceasta procedura chiar se imbunatateste vizibil,atat boala psoriazica cat si eczemele pentruca in ambele boli exista o exfoliere foarte mare si rapida a pielii,iar acesti pestisori "fac curat" in acele zone

  6. Nai, ki egw sthn Athina menw.

  7. Ti wrea!!!!! Eisai aisthitikos;;; :))

  8. Asxoloumai me makigiaz. Me xafniase pou eida sth selida sou ellhnika giati grafeis roumanika.

  9. Nai einai alithia, to blog moy einai geia roymanes:)) Ma egw eimai sthn Athina, sthn Kallithea xexexe:)) Xairomai poy se gnorisa!! Axxxx na moy peis pws einai to makiaz moy epiedh eimai sthn arxh me ayto:)) Egw asxoloumai me thn aisthitikh prosopoy kai swmatos.

  10. Calin Andreea Daniela14 May 2012 at 18:01

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