
Hyaluronic acid and rose petals face mask

March 07, 2012

Today I will talk to you about this fantastic face mask from Yellow Rose with hyaluronic acid, rose petals and vitamin C.
After you mix the dust with water, it becomens creamy texture. Using it regularly it will nourish, hydratate, refresh and illuminate your skin.
It is a mask for all skin tyes with extraordinary effects from the first use and not to mention the divine smell of roses.

For preparing this mask you will need a bowl, a brush and a spatula.

Take a generous amount of dust and then add warm water or toic lotion until becomes creamy.

Apply it on the face in a thick layer. You can see the natural rose petals.

After 10-15 minutes it will dry and you will be able to remove it easily with one move.

And this is how will look after the removal:)

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  1. La ce te referi exact? Am specificat ce contine:)

  2. Suna interesant..ce pret are?

  3. Nu fac public asta, pt. ca pur si simplu nu ma ocup cu asta. Daca vrea cineva, asa rar, le-o cumpar si le-o trimit eu. Iti spun pretul pe email. Contacteaza-ma te rog pe: glossylala@gmail.com

  4. Ce bine arata..cu petale de trandifiri..

  5. Si daca ai stii ce bine miroase deasemeni:)) Asta n-o pot descrie pe blog:))
