
Water marbling nail

February 06, 2012

If you are patient enough,you have creativity and you like playing, then try the water mabling nail.

You need a bowl, nail polishes of your choice, brochette wooden sticks, polish remover and scotch tape.

Here are some tricks to not fail: you must work fast, the water must be room temperature and the nails polishes must be good quality. 

First step: I applied a base coat and then a white nail polish.
Second step: I applied the scotch tape around the nail.

Third step: I applied the first drop of nail polish into the water. It must splash like this.

And the I added the second color of nail polish and you continue to alternate them.

In this phase we use our imagination and create the model we want with the use of a wooden stick.

We introduce the nail over the model, removing with the stick the extra polish around.

After 2-3 seconds we take out the finger.

I advice you to do it with one finger at a time, because otherwise the model will not be so accurate and beautiful.

My final result:

It is the first time I used the water marbling, and surely will not be the last. What you think about it? Would you try it also?

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  1. Wow your nail design looks amazing. :)

    Lovely greetz.


  2. Thank you,happy that you like it.

  3. love your nails!
    Neat post and love your blog... would you like to follow each other!


    My Lyfe ; My Story

  4. Thanks, your blog is also great!!! I followed you, pls follow me back:)

  5. Ma bucur ca-ti place Cristina!!! Mersi! Pupici xx

  6. ti-am zis doar ca te urmaresc :)) Mie mi s-a parut nu neaparat complicat, cat messy. As prefera sa fac un desen cu mana libera si ustensile bune, decat sa creez relativ repejor o chestie faina (imi place cum arata, in mod special asimetria), dar sa petrec mult timp prevenind murdarirea si corectand eventualele scapari... n-as face-o decat pentru mine.

  7. Brandusa, este messy, asta am si specific si cere rabdare, mai ales daca faci fiecare unghie in parte, dar de jur imprejurul unghiei pui scotch si dupa ce-l indepartezi, unghia ramane ok... Doar apa din paharut e mai dirty:))) Clar este o manichiura care eventual s-o faci cand si cand pt. un eveniment, altfel ia destul de mult timp:) Pupici!

  8. Wooowww... ce frumos arata :X

  9. frumoase si reusite

  10. Foarte fain!!! Am urmarit cateva clipuri cu watermarbeling (?) si mi se pare superb; binenteles nu arata cat timp ia pregatirea. Cat iti ia ambalarea si curatarea? Inteleg ca procesul se reia la fiecare unghie si dureaza si ala ... ma rog, fascinant si ies foarte frumos, imi place ca modelul iese usor diferit, si ca pot sa te joci cu liniile si modelul lor.


  12. sunt bombonele!!mi le amintesc,arata foarte bine!!

  13. Mersi Mary, e ceva munca, dar se merita rezultatul:))

  14. Pai ambalarea nu ia mult iar curatarea nici atat caci doar desfaci scotchul din jurul unghiei si e gata:)) Doar procesul in sine ia timp, caci se face fiecare unghie pe rand ca sa iasa perfect, dar se merita, mai ales pt. un eveniment important:))

  15. Mersi mult Mariana!!! Pupici xoxo

  16. Mersi Stefania:))) Ma bucur ca-ti plac!!!

  17. Pauline Wiersema9 July 2012 at 13:29

    That's amazing!!
